Monday, February 13, 2012

The Lakeside Auction

Please mark your calendars for one of our largest fundraisers of the year. The Lakeside Auction is Saturday, March 3rd at the Eufaula Country Club. The auction includes silent and live items. The tickets are $25 per person which includes food and beverages. A cash bar will be available. This year we will have a Vegas theme and a special entertainer, The King (an Elvis impersonator). A Big Green Egg grill will also be raffled and those tickets are $10 each.

Our biggest goal of the auction this year is to raise funds for the second computer lab that will be needed to offer the dual enrollment program with Troy University and the University of Alabama. The dual enrollment program gives upper school students the opportunity to earn high school and college credits, gain experience in performing college course work, and build stronger transcripts that will serve our students well when applying to college and universities.

How can you help? You can attend the auction and encourage your family and friends to attend. Most silent auction items sale for $50 or less. Student artwork will also be available to purchase. Your child’s room mother will be contacting you for a small cash donation to help purchase the class gift for the auction, and I encourage you to participate. You may also like to donate an item personally or have connections to a business that would like to donate. Some popular items from the past are baked goods, gift certificates, artwork, gift baskets, sports paraphernalia, trips, hunts, appliances, electronics, pottery, and decorative items. We welcome any new ideas!

Volunteers are needed for event planning, ticket sales, event set-up, and the night of the event. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or would like to volunteer.

I look forward to seeing you on March 3rd.

Go Chiefs!

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