How does ACCELERATE Dual Enrollment Online work?
ACCELERATE Dual Enrollment Online is a dual enrollment program that allows students to take college courses while earning their high school diplomas. Students will receive high school credit and college credit at the same time. One great thing about ACCELERATE is that there are no extra classes to attend. It is an online learning program through eTROY. So, all courses are completed online, which makes scheduling easier on you and your child.
What is online learning?
Taking courses online means that all coursework is communicated, completed and turned in on the Internet. Your student will interact with professors and classmates via the computer, which means assignments and tests can be completed when your student's schedule permits. You will be amazed at what your student is capable of when put in control of his or her own learning environment!
What are the benefits of ACCELERATE Dual Enrollment Online?
Preparation for college - Having a few college credits under their belts prior to high school graduation will give students an extra boost of confidence as they embark on their collegiate careers. The workload for ACCELERATE will give students a true representation of what will be expected of them in college. Their experiences will strengthen their time management and study skills while they are still surrounded by the safety net of home, family and friends. Therefore, they will be more prepared for the demands of college by participating in the program. How many credits students complete before earning their high school diplomas will be up to each individual student, but it is possible to earn an Associate's Degree by the time they finish their senior year!
Higher grade point averages - On average, participants in dual enrollment programs have significantly higher cumulative college GPAs than their peers who do not participate in dual enrollment.
Enriching courses - Thanks to TROY's many resources, ACCELERATE Dual Enrollment Online is able to offer challenging and exciting classes that students might not otherwise have the opportunity to take. Students will interact with people from a variety of backgrounds and experiences, which is sure to broaden their worldviews and make them more well-rounded individuals. All instruction for the program will be provided by certified Troy University faculty.
Save time and money - Your student's participation in ACCELERATE Dual Enrollment Online will save you money later. Because some credit is earned before entering the traditional university setting, students have the opportunity to finish college more quickly, which means lower college costs in the long run. Also, ACCELERATE students are not responsible for costs such as housing, meal plans and others associated with the conventional college setting.
Continue active role in education - Because your student will be taking university courses while living at home, you can continue to be a part of your student's education. We believe it's important for you to be there to help your student adjust to the workload of online college classes.
What's the difference between a dual enrollment course and an Advanced Placement (AP) course?
A dual enrollment course is a college class taught by a qualified, college-level faculty member.
When your student finishes an ACCELERATE course with a passing grade, he or she will not have to take the course again in college.
Upon successful completion of a dual enrollment course, your student will be awarded both high school and college credit. For AP classes, college credit is only awarded if your student does well on the AP exam.
A high school transcript and a college transcript are separately generated for each school.
What are the eligibility requirements?
We accept high school sophomores, juniors and seniors with at least a 20 ACT score or 950 SAT score and a cumulative high school GPA of 3.0 or higher. All applicants will be required to fill out and sign the ACCELERATE Approval Contract.
Will these credits transfer to the college of the student's choice?
The dual enrollment courses available through ACCELERATE are designed to transfer to any college or university. They can be used to satisfy the general education core requirement at the freshman or sophomore level of college. If you have questions about the transferability of your credits, check with the ACCELERATE Program Coordinator.
How much does the ACCELERATE Program cost? (2011-2012 Academic Year)
Tuition is $260/credit hour and there is an $8/credit hour technology fee. There is a one-time Application Fee of $30. Students are also responsible for purchasing the textbook associated with their class.
Why Troy University?
Troy University is known as a leader in distance education around the world. We boast state-of-the-art technology to support ACCELERATE students. With over 120 years of experience in education, our accredited institution is capable of serving every need of your student. We are committed to education and are focused on helping your student become a success with ACCELERATE Dual Enrollment Online.
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